Windows Server 2008, with its built-in Web and virtualization technologies, enables you to increase the reliability and flexibility of your server infrastructure. Learn how new virtualization tools, Web resources, and security enhancements can help you save time, reduce costs, and provide a platform for a dynamic and optimized datacenter. Powerful new tools, such as Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS7), Server Manager, and Windows PowerShell, allow you to have more control over your servers and streamline web, configuration, and management tasks. Advanced security and reliability enhancements, such as Network Access Protection (NAP) and the Read-Only Domain Controller, harden the operating system and protect your server environment to ensure you have a solid foundation to build your business on.
WebcastsWatch these 90-minute Windows Server 2008 webcasts and learn how your organization can leverage the enhancements in Windows Server 2008. Tune in for live webcasts and stream or download webcasts for on-demand viewing.
Virtual LabsTry out Windows Server 2008 during a virtual lab. It's simple—no complex setup or installation is required. You get a downloadable manual and a 90-minute block of time for each module, and you can sign up for additional 90-minute blocks anytime.
PodcastsStream or download these TechNet audio podcasts onto your favorite podcast software or mobile device. These podcasts are free and do not require registration—just click, listen, and learn about Windows Server 2008.
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